Common Thread, Newham
A creative writing and printmaking workshop aimed at discussing themes of identity, history and what that means within the context of migrant experiences specifically from African and Caribbean backgrounds.
In collaboration with Newham Council, FOOMA print studios and NZINGA Project
Stroud Green Lino Workshop
In collaboration with FOOMA print studios and NZINGA Project
I'm always keen to teach people various printmaking processes and this linocut with chine colle (using thin papers to add colour to a print) workshop was not based on any theme but people just enjoying the process, learning and discovering the magic of it!
Windrush Celebration, Newham
In collaboration with Newham Council, FOOMA print studios and NZINGA Project
Illustration for
It’s Freezing in LA! (IFLA!)
Article : The Race to Regenerate Agriculture written by Farai Mabeza
‘knowledge and skills shrone through and was able to answer all the questions that were thrown at her. And there were quite a few.’
‘Inspiring and supportive to people for experimentation. i.e lady who wanted to try with her fabric.’
‘very organised’
‘demonstrations were clear and well placed- one lady was inspired to get her marbling equipment back from her daughter to continue the techniques’